Follow Your Passion in Cambridge, Zanesville or Heath, OH

Ask us to help you find industrial, office, tech or sales jobs

Steve Jobs once said, "The only way to do great work is to do what you love. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle." If you're having a hard time finding a job that you love, consult with a skilled staffer at Competitive Staffing Solutions. Whether you're looking for a sales job or a logistics job, our crew can help you. Trust us to help you find a wide range of career options in Heath, Cambridge or Zanesville, OH.

Take the stress out of your job search by hiring our staffing experts today.

Choose a job you'll love

Want to get paid weekly for a job that allows you to keep a solid work-life balance? Set yourself up for success by consulting with our staffing team.

We're prepared to help you find:

  • Staffing or office jobs
  • Marketing or sales jobs
  • Tech or e-commerce jobs
  • Manufacturing or logistics jobs
Take the first step in finding your dream job today. Dial (740)-683-9417 to discuss your needs with a member of our staff.